Paintball Hoppers / Loaders and Accessories
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Paintball hoppers, also called loaders, supply paintballs to your gun for shooting.
The most basic is a Gravity fed loader. These just mount to the top of the paintball gun and you fill it up with paintballs and go play. The draw back is that paintballs can get in the way of themselves preventing from dropping into the breech. In order to solve this, you just shake your paintball loader, but as you were shaking, you could have missed a shot.
These will stir up the paintballs so that you do not have to shake your loader to feed the paintballs.
If you need even more serious firepower to get insane rates of fire, upgrade to a force fed loader. These will force the paintballs into your paintball gun.
We also have a ton of upgrades and accessories to make your hopper even faster, better, or just add some personalization.
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For something this size it' should be able to be adjusted for greater power to use something beside a painful in it . it does not look like any real gun which is basically a negative, it just looks like it's way too big for what it's supposed to do. It could have been made the size of an average handgun and be able to look a lot better. On a positive note the magazines seem well made the barrel is super easy to take off & it's easy to load the CO2 cartridge and it's a great idea to be able to have the cartridge in there unpunctured until you press the trigger and are ready to use it. The price for it and the accessories is well worth it but it's really an awkward looking device and it's mostly plastic. It doesn't really take much to make something out of metal that looks realistic instead of like and oversized toy.