Tippmann 68 Special Parts and Diagram

2 products

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The 68 Special was the first semiautomatic paintball gun from Tippmann and is now a collectors item. It was in production from approximately 1989-1991.  We have a few parts for it, but you can be certain that if you need anything else than that it will be very difficult to find. The Tippmann 68 Special is a piece of paintball history.

Tippmann 68 Special Diagram
2 products
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Drop Forward Adapter / Receiver Bolt - Tippmann Part #CA - 01A - TippmannParts
Drop Forward Adapter / Receiver Bolt - Tippmann Part #CA - 01A - TippmannParts
Drop Forward Adapter / Receiver Bolt - Tippmann Part #CA-01A
Sale price $1.00 Regular price $1.50 Save 33%
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