Upgrade the look of your cyclone feed with these custom color hoses!
This is the correct cylinder hose for the standard cyclone feed. And it fits correctly on to the 20-07 banjo 1/16 inch fittings.
Need a new hose? Why be like everyone else. Now, from Tippmann Parts, you can get this hose in cool colors instead of black. Choose your color to make a statement. Or… um… just get black. You know, like a Ninja!
Note: The hoses are cut slightly long. You can cut them with a razor blade to the exact length you need.
Some players want to upgrade this to a 1/8 inch hose. That can be done for better air flow as long as you make sure to get the 1/8 inch ID hose and 1/8 inch ID fittings too.
See the 1/8 inch ID hose #20-19 below.
These hoses might have specification numbers in contrasting colors. When installing, face lettering towards marker for solid color consistency.